Professional Movers

Good move's crew are professionals in moving things, disassembling and assembling.

Providing moving services, by mover team with hight expertise skills in moving and having a service heart.

Because of the quality and standards of professional moving of things. It is something that we attach great importance to, so we instill all movers to maintain high standards of service, whether it be attentiveness, caution in every step, and training for all our movers to be professional. In terms of moving things, skillfully dismantling and assembling furniture or various electrical appliances, wrapping items to be moved or moving during travel to avoid damage to customers' valuable items, Be punctual for appointments and all employees must be courteous and willing to give advice and suggestions. and the best value for customers in order to provide the best moving service experience to customers as well

Each employee will be interviewed by trained and experienced as well.

  • With expertise in the field of transport only.
  • Selection of the personnel department.
  • Were trained and indoctrinated by the rules of Good move as well.



The motto for the mind is Service mind. “Service” By separating the letters of the word "Service" into the following meanings:

S = Smile 
E = enthusiasm 
R = rapidness 
V = value 
I = impression 
C = courtesy 
E = endurance 

M = make believe
I = insist
N = necessitate
D = devote 


The detail of Good move company has training with movers to the moving services as follow:

1) Each employee must have a lucid dream in itself. I want to see myself successful in his chosen career.
2) Employees must love what you do. Love in their career Willingness to make a career of their own.
3) aims Clear goals Work each day
4) Work Plan
5) Patience, hard work, dedication, diligence.
6) Prepare yourself Prepare yourself ready before working with others.
7) responsibility to themselves and the team.
8) compete against themselves
9) honest to yourself and others.
10) 150% of the planned work.
11) discipline and punctuality. Known cure time
12) The attention to detail of the work.
13) thirst for knowledge and learning, Learn more
14) was pretty arrogant, does not hold. A friendly
15) with humility.
16) win by their temper (Self Management).
17) have self-confidence.
18) open to the idea of difference.
19) To honor the contract and keeping to himself and others regularly.
20) say what is true. With the right approach
21) consistently to keep learning. Understanding the In corporate business
22) There is a commitment (Commitment).
23) known as Time Management (Time Management).
24) to concentrate on work.
25) the weakest link itself And learning strengths to create a stand.
26) Learn from a "professional" with professional knowledge from those who excel. To develop self
27) for experience exchange experience with colleagues in the organization.
28) Be creative horizons.
29) has working models of a variety not identified.
30) confess From their actions Without blaming the situation Or others And take a crash course.
31) Get ready to change regularly.
32) Do all the roles and responsibilities as well.
33) are masters or Role Model to be inspired.
34) Trust in our leaders and colleagues.
35) the transfer of knowledge to colleagues.
36) Life Long Learning
37) the development of themselves (Continuous Improvement).
38) upheld the values and culture of the organization.
39) joining the chorus of (Synergy).
40) are proud of themselves and the organization.


All of this is something that Good Move keeps instilling in every movers and attaches great importance to because the heart of our business is the "CUSTOMERS" Therefore, training our movers to be able to provide professional customer service in order to use moving services for smoothly, with good standards and good service will help create an impression that customers will come back to use our service again and spread the word. In the past, we have proven the professionalism of our movers in the field of moving services from satisfaction and quality assurance from the project There are many condominiums and housing developments, including many leading companies in Thailand and many famous celebrities.

Contact us to asking for more about our services as follow:

Tel : 0-2114-7574
E-mail :
Line ID : @goodmove
Facebook Inbox :

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