History of moving since the stone age

Migration and relocation of primitive humans.

The evolution of labor-saving tools in migration and emigration

Want to know? Primitive humans who did not yet have electricity. There are no tools that are used in everyday life that are convenient, easy and fast like nowadays when having to relocate each place… how do they do it? Use a tool or something to help move large, heavy items from one place to another!

The migration of humans in the past comes from the main reasons: 1. Finding a new settlement when the terrain and weather change from the old settlement to a new place where the terrain and weather do not change from the original place. 2. The amount of food in the old settlements began to run out and the travel or migration of the old settlements of both scientists and archaeologists assumed that Humans would have chosen to migrate by walking along the river or along the coastline.

First of all, we would like to divide human evolution into 2 periods, which are prehistoric humans, namely 1. Stone Age (can be divided into 3 more periods, namely, the Old Stone Age, the Middle Stone Age, and the New Stone Age) and 2. Neanderthals. metal (can be divided into 2 more periods, namely the Bronze Age and the Metal Age) human historical period It is the time when human beings record stories that have written evidence telling the story of that society itself (can be divided into 4 periods, namely ancient times, the middle ages, the modern times and the present time), which in this article we Let's drill down to the two prehistoric eras, namely the Stone Age and the Metal Age.


  1. The evolution of migration, "moving" and migration of stone age. : viz

    • Old Stone Age : This era can be counted back about 10,000 - 2,500,000 years ago. The earliest period is the Old Stone Age, when most humans in this era lived in caves or newly formed cliffs often foraged from hunting fruit. Land and aquatic animals such as fish come to eat for a living. When the food source they live is gone, they will migrate and move their homes to find food sources in new places.

      Tools and utensils for humans in the Old Stone Age are therefore nothing more than hunting equipment for food and self-defense, most of which are made from rough natural materials such as stones or trees. They are often large and thick There is no polishing or smoothing. In addition, in this era, animal skins are used as clothing. and know how to make a fire for warmth and light for safety and cooking Rather than the invention of tools to be used in the transport of goods.

    • Middle Stone Age : Is the period that can be counted back 6,500 - 10,000 years ago, the tools for humans in that era began to be more elaborate, with one or both sides of the surface being chipped off to be sharp, very light weight. More suitable for better usage, with historians find evidence, both tools, cuts, digging and smashing, which, in addition to being a tool for self -defense, hunting for food In the building of housing when moving to find food sources and new settlements with it.

    • New Stone Age : From the present day, another 6,000 - 4,000 years back is the Neolithic period. It is an era in which humans have progressed materially to another level, with the invention of stone tools more elaborately, by polishing the whole stone into various shapes and characteristics to be used as tools. More efficient use, such as a stone knife that is thinner and sharper, comparable to a metal knife, has a long handle connected to a stone that has been sharpened, square shape, used as a spade and pickaxe for excavation or invention An ax made of stone and connected with a wooden handle. For being a weapon or building a residence when evacuating and moving things to a new address

    In addition, in the era of this Neolithic Historians and archaeologists also found pottery and pottery. and the use of plant fibers to weave ropes, nets and fishing nets. What's more, modern humans have been found to cultivate animals for food such as corn, wheat, beans, squashes, zucchini, goats, sheep and cattle, or for use as vehicles or laborers. move things, etc.

  1. Evolution of Mechanized Migration, “Moving” and Metal Age Man Migration: In this era, it is considered the continuation of the Stone Age, which was in the period of 4,000 years ago, which was an era in which humans developed weapons and tools from the original stone and wood to be used as metals such as copper, tin. and steel to use more Archaeologists divide the evolution of the age into the Bronze Age and the Metal Age as follows:

    • Bronze Age : The metal known as Bronze was made by combining tin and copper, meaning that humans in this era began to understand how to mix metals to use in everyday tools, jewelry. As well as as a tool to help evacuate, move things as a defensive weapon or hunting to be more effective, more durable, more sharp, but in this period, humans also use clay stones as well.

      Livelihoods began to expand in larger and more numerous settlements, with the allocation of duties, relationships, abilities. Is there a leader or chieftain with important civilization sources of this Bronze Age man, such as the Mesopotamian civilization in Asia-West, the Nile Valley Civilization in Egypt, the Indus Valley Civilization in India and Huang He River Valley Civilization Site in China, etc.


    • Metal Age : It was during this period that humans began to develop skills and continue learning from the era of bronze, which was an alloy of copper and tin, by developing a metal alloy to be more durable than metal like bronze to be used as a suitable weapon or tool. With agriculture, housing construction and as part of the labor-saving equipment of moving goods together with the use of animal labor such as elephants, horses, cattle and buffaloes in this Iron Age itself. Humans began to divide the race along with expanding the settlement by creating an army of people to conquer territory and protect their own territory to be more secure. 

In Thailand itself, traces of historical evidence about the earliest human migration, about 600,000 - 400,000 years were found at Mae Tha District. Lampang Province, assuming that humans live by gathering forests and hunting. For food, stone tools were made for trapping animals. Some pottery containers were also made to cultivate plants for food and medicine. There are important evidences at Tham Phi Man Archaeological Site in Mae Hong Son Province, Ban Chiang Archaeological Site in Udon Thani Province, and Non Nok Tha Archaeological Site in Khon Kaen Province. or Ban Kao archaeological site, Kanchanaburi province, etc. 

Although the migration of primitive human settlements was long-term and difficult to learn to create tools. For living each day through each era and developing more progress until now we have many appliances to facilitate human convenience, such as moving a house to live is very convenient. Whether choosing to use a power-saving tool to move things or choose to use the service from a company that has a moving service like Good Move Professional Worldwide Movers that can move from product moving, house moving or housing moving machinery. factory Move items for exhibitions with tools and other moving equipment without you having to do anything! It is also ready to deliver standardized services so that you can be confident that you will receive the best experience of our services from us.

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