How does Good Move a moving company conduct CSR Activities that benefit society

Good Move, a moving company, has supported social activities in sports by sponsoring the Royal Thai Army Rugby Club or the Army’s rugby team.



Updated 30 January 2023

Good move, the moving company supports the activities of the army rugby team.

How does Good Move, a moving company, conduct CSR Activities that benefit society?


CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities are social activities that various companies undertake to benefit society and the environment. For example, supporting projects related to education such as scholarships, textbooks or learning equipment, conducting activities that benefit the environment such as tree planting, projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, projects that help build or support communities, participating in projects that support the development of local skills and professions or supporting public projects such as supporting public cultural, art or sports projects, etc.

How does Good Move, a professional moving company, prioritize CSR activities?


Good Move Professional Mover also prioritizes activities that help society. Recently, we have supported social activities in sports by sponsoring the Royal Thai Army Rugby Club or the Army’s rugby team in the 7-person rugby football championship of Thailand and the 10-person rugby football Surin10s.



Because at Good Move, a moving company, we see the importance and many benefits of doing CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility activities. These activities not only benefit society but also have other advantages as follows:

  • Helps build good relationships within the organization: CSR activities help build relationships and good activities among employees in the organization. It makes employees feel that working in the company is part of benefiting society, thus helping to increase pride among the team and the organization and helps create a good working atmosphere.

  • The company gives back to society: No matter what business is conducted, it receives support from society both directly and indirectly. Like the home moving business of Good Move itself, apart from receiving support from all customers, often have to rely on people in society or various organizations. Therefore, doing CSR helps our company to have a part in helping to give back to society by delivering good things to support good activities or projects of the community, organizations or various agencies. This makes the company not only a revenue generator but also a giver of good things to society.

  • It helps direct income from customers to help society: Conducting CSR activities is to bring the company’s income from all customers to support and help society or various organizations according to the appropriate agenda and opportunities. Therefore, all customers who use the moving service, moving house with Good Move can be confident that you yourself are also a part in helping society along with us.

And in the near future, Good Move Professional Mover, we intend and have a policy to conduct CSR activities that are small parts that can help deliver good things to the community, society, organizations or agencies of both the public and private sectors. Because in addition to the mission in the service work, moving house that is good and efficient with a team of experts in moving house, disassembling furniture or packing things correctly, appropriately and standard to all customers, we also intend to build our organization to give back to society and the environment in Thailand as well.



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