Philosophy for moving things that Goodmove got from worker ants

Philosophy for moving things that Goodmove got from worker ants

Worker ants are a symbol of patience, trying to work until success, like the moving service from Good Move.

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Nowadays, where everything must be fast, doing business or providing various services is also the same. Competing with business competitors who fight to win the hearts of customers, whether it be price, promotions, various special privileges, convenience, and most importantly, speed. Especially as a moving business, it's a matter of work. that is fast And there is efficiency in work that comes from perseverance, patience and overcoming the rigors and difficulties of work until it passes well... The most important thing is the unity and strength of people in the organization or team.

Good Move is focused on continuously developing the working potential of the team in the organization, ready to deliver efficient moving services and meeting quality control standards such as ISO: 9001, which although we have a vision and the working culture of the organization clearly But we also want to present the work of one animal, the 'worker ant', which is considered a good example that we and other organizations can adapt to as well.


What are worker ants? How are they different from ordinary ants?

We probably don't have to explain what ants are, do we? But let's get to know ants a little better, because more than 12,000 types of ants are animals in the family Formicidae, order Hymenoptera. They build nests in large colonies. In some nests, the population of up to a million ants is divided into castes. The function is

  • WORKER ANT : They are usually female and sterile. If they are large, they act as soldiers to protect the nest and take care of the small larvae. The smaller worker ants search for food and transport things to the nest. Including nest construction and repair. Worker ants have a lifespan of approximately 4-7 years.

  • MALE  ANT : It has the appearance of a large ant with wings and large chest muscles. They have a reproductive function and after mating they will die within 1-2 days. Most will be killed or left to starve to death. Because there is no use in the nest anymore.

  • QUEEN  ANT : It is the largest winged ant in the nest. There may be more than one ant in the nest. Its sole function is to lay eggs and increase the ant population. Sometimes called Phaya Mod, which is an ant that has a longer lifespan than other castes, from 1 - 2 years to 12 - 15 years.

From the above information about the ants of each caste, it can be seen that worker ants are very important units in the ant nest. There are many duties that must be performed in order for the nest to survive. The duties of worker ants are interesting and we can find good ideas and philosophies gained from their work… In this article, we would like to present the story of the philosophy gained from having to go out to find food and transport supplies. Or transport eggs when moving worker ant nests as follows:

Why are worker ants an example of efficient transport?

  1. Has a lot of effort and doesn't give up easily on missions: You've likely seen an army of worker ants marching in the direction they want to go, whether it's a food source or transporting food back to the nest. Even if you block their path with objects or fingers, it will act as a hindrance to their work, whether it be climbing over the obstacle or how far they have to walk around, worker ants will do whatever it takes to. Let the work proceed until success is achieved. Therefore, the work of humans who are stronger than ants like us should bring the quality of perseverance. In order to reach the intended goal, it can be used both in work and in life as well.

  2. Prepare to deal with every situation that will occur in the future: Because worker ants think of the winter when they may live and work hard as a time when there may be food shortages, they will transport goods and food to prepare ready and sufficient supplies from the summer when they Still enough to be able to stock up on food in the nest. as well as work If you plan and predict that during your work there will likely be problems or limitations that will cause you to encounter difficulties and ways to prevent or prepare to deal with them early on. It will help you overcome those problems as well.

  3. Look at everything positively at all times: Even when faced with difficult times like winter, ants still patiently take refuge in their nests and provide enough food for the ant members in the nest. Where is the decay? So they will repair it and wait for the summer time when they will go to work cheerfully again. Because problems or obstacles that come our way may sometimes be beyond our ability to solve them. Therefore, be patient and do your best to do what you can at that moment to the best of your ability to wait for a good time and moment in life. Therefore, it is something that we, too, should look at positively, like worker ants.

  4. Dedicating everything we can : Because the main duty of worker ants is to find food and transport things back to the nest so that all ant members can live in peace. And as I said, worker ants will rush to stock up on summer food before winter arrives. Many people may ask how much effort ants use to find food to stockpile in their nests. The answer is as much as they can! Sometimes working can be tiring. Then look at the worker ants, who are dedicated to working to get through a period that may cause hardship to both themselves and the members of their nest. If people in the organization work hard to make the organization successful. and thinking of the collective as the main thing, having unity like worker ants We believe that the organization will be filled with a good working atmosphere. grow fast and will definitely be successful in the future


Because the main duty of worker ants is to find food and transport things back to the nest so that all ant members can live in peace. And as I said, worker ants will rush to stock up on summer food before winter arrives. Many people may ask how much effort ants use to find food to stockpile in their nests. The answer is as much as they can! Sometimes working can be tiring. Then look at the worker ants, who are dedicated to working to get through a period that may cause hardship to both themselves and the members of their nest. If people in the organization work hard to make the organization successful. and thinking of the collective as the main thing, having unity like worker ants We believe that the organization will be filled with a good working atmosphere. grow fast and will definitely be successful in the future


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