So many jobs and plans to change the office, what should you do?

So many jobs and plans to change the office, what should you do?
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Updated 13 january 2021

How do you plan to move the office? Let not affect the work?

Good move provides office moving services. Guaranteed to help move things. When relocation to new office to be easy without causing business interruptions or interruptions.

Anyone who wants their business to prosper Sales definitely exceeded the target. and believes that when the business or company grows and progresses to achieve the desired level of success It's time to expand in various fields, whether it is the production of new products. The number of employees is growing and one thing that will follow will be new offices and offices that may need to be relocated to larger locations or have locations and travel that will enhance work performance. more conveniently

And of course, good things await at the new office office. It comes with a lot of burdens to move the great stuff! Make sure before you move to see what the challenges of moving an office await you and find another good option that Good Move Professional Movers will take. Volunteer to take the business forward in moving things to the new office in a way that doesn't make other tasks. Have to stop for a long time to waste time to follow all the details in this article.

Lots of tasks and plans when changing offices. What should to do?

As stated above, when the time comes when your company or your business organization has a need or purpose to relocate an office office to a new location. Whatever the reason, there are various tasks that will arise when moving an office. The elements in each area that must be prepared for the move are:

1. Packing
The number one job of relocating, whether it's an office move or a general house move, is Storage of office equipment and supplies, whether it's small items such as files, documents, to large pieces of furniture in the office such as tables, chairs, cabinets, etc., as well as some equipment that is fragile or complicated. especially electrical appliances or various computer server systems That requires more care and has a professional take care of the move closely as well.

In order to prepare to move, it has to start from the cleaning process. Procurement of packages before starting to wrap them with cushioning material or to prevent damage to office supplies which, if they are large items that can be disassembled It should be disassembled to make transport easier. however This procedure should also be performed by an experienced or trained person. To reduce the risk of damage during transport itself.

2. Moving crew
The allocation of manpower to help move the office is also important. especially the readiness to help collect and move items from people who have expertise in storage, moving and placement in the destination safely. In addition, the number of people must be appropriate for the amount of items and the time required to move the office in order not to waste time in vain. which may affect other aspects of work

3. Vehicles for use to relocation office
Another challenge in moving an office is finding a vehicle of the right size to move things. which must be calculated both the size of the package and the number of trips that will be needed to transport, as well as the distance is another thing to consider, such as If the distance between the old and new offices is not far, choosing between using a small car can run to pick up and deliver items that can be transported many times. Or choose to use a large car to reduce the number of rounds in transport, which one will be more cost-effective, etc.

4. Set the date and time of the operation.
The key variable that will make moving items from an old office to a new destination more challenging is the date and time. If the plans and procedures for moving the office as detailed above have any problem in any of them, it will definitely affect the date and time of moving. Especially in terms of manpower and vehicles that will be used to move, if on the due date there is a problem or not being ready at the job site, it will likely affect the daily operations to be affected. very directly In particular, having to hurry back to work on a daily basis, which may have an appointment with a customer already or have to close the shop, will surely cause the company to lose revenue or reduce the satisfaction of having to postpone customer appointments without reason.

5. Other work
In addition to the hectic transportation schedule detailed above. Other minor tasks such as documents, paper and digital files All of these things must be well backed up, including the person responsible for the office relocation. There must also be contact about many other contracts, such as lease, purchase or sale of the building. accounting documents Company registration book, etc. These are also obligations that need to be updated in the event of an inevitable office move.

Therefore, to reduce the workload caused by moving these offices, especially points 1-4 above directly related to moving goods, so that you can focus on other tasks. really important And there's no need to waste that time. Don't miss out on GOODMOVE's office relocation service. It's ready to help manage all your moving tasks in one place.

Reduce the burden of moving goods with convenient steps in moving the office with the service from GOODMOVE.

No matter how much office relocation, when to move, where to move You don't need to waste time and effort in arranging all your transport. Just get in touch with Good Move Professional Movers, we are ready to help you take away all the worries and hectic tasks above from moving your office. Put it in the box with every step of the move from start to finish at the destination with a simple process of moving goods from GOODMOVE in a few steps but full of attention to detail starting from

1. Contact GOODMOVE for a tight office relocation plan.
Because we understand that every minute of business is valuable and that activities must be completed on time. Therefore, we have extensively detailed operations including on-site assessment to determine the quantity and type of office supplies to be transported, leading to the planning of the entire vehicle moving. The number of porters, the distance, the time period and the appointment of the date that will be used to move the office precisely.

2. Pack things for easy and convenient transportation. 
Initially, GOODMOVE will provide a box for storing documents or general personal items for employees in advance, while other large office supplies will have employees who are specialists in moving items to provide furniture disassembly service. Ready to wrap to prevent bumps or scratches that will cause damage to every item, which will be more detailed as to who each item belongs to, which department or where it needs to be placed Even the area between the origin and the destination is protected to increase safety and prevent damage at every step.

3. Bring to the destination location according to the appointed date and time.
In addition to GOODMOVE ready to move the office with a sufficient number of employees, punctual and experienced in providing standard moving services, there are also various vehicles. From small trucks with 4 wheels to large trucks with 6 wheels or more, depending on the size and weight of the items, including the calculated distance, will give customers the best value.

4. Deliver, inspect and close the work.
Once the goods have been moved to your new office at your destination, GOODMOVE staff are ready to help you arrange the furniture assembly and place the items in the designated and agreed location. Completed, complete as you want or not, if you don't get stuck in any part, you can sign a document to close the move. Ready to start working in a new office right away.



With the process of providing office relocation services from Goodmove Professional Movers, all of these guarantees will make it easy to move items when changing offices without causing disruption to business. or stopped for a long time Just choose our moving service and in addition to the office relocation service. We also provide other moving services. many more comprehensive

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