say goodbye to the old house Gather your belongings

Say goodbye to the old house Gather your belongings and move them to your new home.

Checklist for moving house


Do you think moving house is very tiring and boring?

From what I've seen, many people often complain that moving house is the most time consuming and energy consuming thing. Today we will invite you to check the list. Before moving into a new house



Benefits of doing a checklist before moving into a new home

Can check order : The fact that we make a list of checklists allows us to know that Any furniture, any documents that have not yet been collected, must be stored completely before moving.

Organized into categories: usually we live in a house or condo today. Each item was not categorized. This is a good time to organize your documents, clothing and supplies into organized categories.

Throw away unnecessary things The easier it is not to use it: the longer we live. The amount of equipment has increased over time, which the moving of the new home this time. This will allow you to choose to keep only the essentials and stop regretting the things that are not being used. Items that you will no longer take with you or will no longer use them. For some it might be helpful to others. If you donate them to those who are in need or those who can continue to use that stuff, you can get merit in a more spacious area.

Easier to move: Why is it easier to move? In this era, anyone then choose to use the service of a moving company So if you check your belongings then the company you hired to move will be able to move everything easily, making it easy for you to find the things you'll need.




Do's and Don'ts Before Saying Goodbye to the Old House move into a new house

1. Set a clear date for moving the house. The first is very important. Should be scheduled at least 1 month in advance to allow enough time to prepare for moving and making notice of any move. When the exact date of moving house is known Should hurry to change or cancel documents such as the cancellation of utilities. telephone-internet charges in order to preserve the benefit and loss of your important documents

2. Prepare the equipment needed to move the house. It's planning a list of things that need to be taken. as well as providing various equipment used to store things to move house The equipment that should be available is as follows:

• Box/Crate, select only boxes or crates that are in perfect condition. be strong It's the right size for the things that need to be packed.

• Rope is used to tie rolled objects such as mats, rugs, and to secure boxes. Prevent opening during transport It is also used as a handle for easy portability.

• Shock-proof plastic/newspaper. Great for wrapping broken items or providing excellent protection from scratches. with the appearance of a thin sheet Makes it possible to bend the shape according to all types of wrapped items.

• Adhesive tape is used to cover the lids of boxes or crates that we put things into. Different colors of masking tape may be used depending on the type of items in the box. For example, fragile items should be covered with red masking tape. for more caution in moving

• Pen used to write down the details of the item in each box. What's in the package? to make it easier to find when arriving at a new address

And nowadays you don't have to prepare this liqueur thing. Because there are many companies that have lightening services here, such as Goodmove, a full-service moving company, whether it's moving houses, moving condos, moving offices, or displaying products. Comes with professional service team A package that prevents damage to your property. Plus the price is reasonable. Therefore, this is about the preparation of packing equipment. You can cut it out. Because there are experts like Goodmove already taken care of.

3. Store things in separate rooms. Once you've prepared your storage device, Now it's time to organize them into categories or separate the rooms you want. This technique is very important to know this. Keep the good stuff forever Starting from the storage is to separate the room type, for example, things in the bedroom should be stored in the same box. Should mark the box as an item in which room? What items do you have? For ease of searching and repositioning when moving to a new address.



4. How to pack to prevent damage For the technique to pack to prevent damage. We categorize according to storage as follows:

• Clothes Use a dustproof plastic box to prevent clothes getting dirty during transport. Or if you don't have one, you can use a black bag or a large plastic bag as well. This should keep clothes that are rarely used first, followed by favorite clothes. or if any clothes that we do not use May be separated into another box to donate This will help you clear out a tight wardrobe.

• Books should be separated by size. and should not be packed in crates because the book is heavy Will result in moving is difficult. Therefore, books should be stored in boxes with wheels. or luggage to make it easy to move

• Shoes should be kept in a shoe box. to prevent shoes from losing their shape Or if there is no shoe box, they can be put together in a large box. but should not be kept in black bags Because it will cause the shoes to overlap each other until the shoe shape is not beautiful.



• Electrical appliance The appliance should be packaged in the box provided at the factory. If not, disassemble the appliance as far as it can be removed. and then wrapped with bubble wrap Then store the parts in the same crate for each appliance. For ease of assembly, when moving, electrical appliances should be placed in the same direction as when used. should not lie or tilt because it may damage the appliance. If any electrical appliances have difficult wiring. take a photo to keep for easy assembly and reconnection

• Glass or things that are easy to break. Should be wrapped in several layers of corrugated paper or plastic wrap. If not, use a thick duvet cover and make a mark or mark or break it in an obvious spot. and should be placed vertically only

• Furniture Disassemble to wrap if your furniture is a drawer or glass panel. If there is an opening or sliding door, use a rope or tape to attach the door to the furniture.

• Plates, bowls, glasses should be wrapped in newspaper or bubble wrap to prevent breakage. when finished wrapping should be stored in the same box. It should be a strong plastic box. easy to move

5. Loading the car to move out in transporting goods to move to a new address You can do it in 2 ways:

• move by yourself If we have a private car Another way is Use the service of moving homes. In which to carry various things into the car, we should carry larger items up first. such as furniture Then follow up with smaller items. This will give more space to place items.

• Use a transport service to move the house. How much do you think the cost per move will cost you? If it's moved many times, it's probably not good. because the expenses will escalate Therefore, planning and placement of things to fill the usable space is very important.

moving house If you plan ahead or consult a moving specialist It's not a headache anymore. The checklist suggested above is suitable for those who have the time to prepare. Know the exact time, like to manage various tasks on their own, but for those who do not have the time and want to use the services of professionals, Goodmove is happy to advise. Lifetime warranty With a professional team, saving time and organizing it. So you don't have to waste time finding equipment, packs and prepare everything yourself. And that's a good thing and answering important questions for the new generation. In the complete moving house move, there is a lot of time left for you to go shopping for home furnishings.

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