Furniture moving by Good move company

Furniture moving by Good move company

About moving furniture. Of course, when you use the service with a moving company that provides a full range of moving services, the main things that you will take into account are the The best furniture move Because this is the first and foremost purpose of moving heavy loads by a good moving company. And what you get special service from Good move is furniture moving at its best because Good move has a team of furniture assembly technicians. It is wrapped and protected before to bring. The safest moving until the process is complete or as far as you can put it neatly.


Good move furniture moving process
1 Explore the furniture
2 disassemble
3 wrap
4 The conveyer is packed into the car in an orderly manner.
5 Place on the spot and unpack the package.
6 Assemble into place
7 Keep job details to finish the job neatly.


Updated 21 March 2022


Why do we need this process?

1.Examine the furniture.

It is to check the condition of the survey to see the disassembly line. See disassembly guidelines. or analyze and understand before starting to disassemble


After exploring and understanding the disassembly pattern, the Good move team will begin to disassemble the various pieces in order of the furniture pieces. and separate the spare parts with clearly marked according to the order of the parts




Every piece of furniture, every spare part. will be wrapped in moving blanket, stretch film wrap for material flexibility and wrapping density.



4.Carefully for loading into the truck.

Load stuff onto the truck that many people overlook the importance of this step for the most part. The main factor that most general transport trucks move things for you and then damage due to the wrong sorting of things on the car. heavy things over light things Sorted too high with uneven spaces. These are the primary problems that can cause damage to the moving.
which the arrangement of the vehicle packing is the main Arrange in order of heavy things below, light things on top. Items that are at risk of breakage should be on top with light items. A strap is used for fixing to keep things from separating inside the car during driving.



5.Place in position and unpack

When the items reach the destination, the Good move team will put your items in various points in the form you want. and unpack the package at the fixed point




After arranging the main piece of furniture into place, the knock-down furniture part is assembled by Good move's team of specialists to assemble it and arranging it into your position.

7. Clear everything to finish the job completely and neatly.

After the team had put his stuff in all the different places. The team will clear the wrapped equipment or garbage due to Good move's wrapped equipment for him to clean before informing you of the completion of the job.

Just as moving your furniture with Good move, you will receive the most efficient moving service. and your furniture will be safe from any damage

If interested, ask for more details at

Tel : 0-2114-7574
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Line ID : @goodmove
Facebook Page : Good move

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