What do we use with fragile sign

What do we use with fragile sign

• Glassware or stoneware have got packed in a box
• Furniture with glass
• Electrical appliances atrisk of denting or collapse, risk of breakage
• Risk of breakage inside corrugated packaging
• Artwork or picture frame.

Updated 9 August 2022

Placing a "fragile tape" warning sign is one of the key steps in the handling process as a warning for the mover to take extra care of the item. because there is a high vulnerability or risk during transport. Therefore, the transport by the Good move team pays attention to this process by constantly attaching the warning tape to be careful of breakage. Which types of transport items that Good move looks out for or marks the warning sign "Beware of breaking", which form and what items are there?

• Glassware or stoneware have got packed in a box : Packing items into boxes such as glassware, stoneware or porcelain bowls will be wrapped in glass wrapper. Bubble air cushioning as standard, cover the pack with tape and connect with a warning tape. Be careful not to break as well.

• Furniture with glass : such as wardrobes with mirrors, dressing tables, dressing mirrors, glass top tables, glass display cabinets, including marble or cement furniture.

• Electrical appliances atrisk of denting or collapse, risk of breakage : Some electrical appliances are sensitive to surfaces. Therefore, the transport should be specially guarded or marked with caution. By the type of electrical appliances with protective encapsulation with warning tapes applied to appliances with soft metal surfaces or acrylic surfaces or glass surfaces such as Stainless steel refrigerator, TV, monitor, front-loading washing machine, etc.

• Risk of breakage inside corrugated packaging : wrapping furniture or items with corrugated paper will be in the event that the user has moved items for long-term storage. The advantage of corrugated packaging is that to prevent dust during storage, items that are pasted with crack warning tape can be items such as furniture pieces with glass, TV screens, cement or marble of any kind, etc.

• Artwork or picture frame : The wrapping will be a plastic material wrapped on a matt surface to prevent damage to the paintbrush surface and continue to be wrapped with bubble air cushioning, therefore covered with a warning tape. Be careful not to break.

That's it, you don't have to worry about fragile items. or items that are at risk of breaking easily anymore.

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